Students at the Boxing Academy received their best-ever set of GCSE results today, a wonderful endorsement of their hard work. We are also delighted to confirm that all our leavers have gained place in college for September.
- 100% of Boxing Academy students left with qualifications; the last recorded national average (LRNA) for APs was 57.7%
- 80% of Boxing Academy students achieved 5+ GCSEs; the LRNA for APs was 12.3%
- 28% of Boxing Academy candidate grades were in the A –C banding; 16.4% was the LRNA for APs
- 55% of Boxing Academy PE GCSE candidates achieved an A –C or above; the LRNA for APs was 0 (zero)
- 100% of Boxing Academy candidates achieved a GCSE pass in English, PE and RE
- 100% of Boxing Academy candidates passed at least 4 GCSEs